Head of Department's Message | Mimarlık | Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi


Head of Department’s Message

Architecture is a multi-dimensional, multi-medium profession that requires training in many branches and multiple skills. The versatile structure of the profession requires professionals trained in this field and, naturally, architectural education to be versatile. In this context, architects are expected to have knowledge, technology and the skills to communicate with other experts in many fields.

Hasan Kalyoncu University Department of Architecture aims to prepare its students for their professional lives in the most effective and efficient way, with an innovative and versatile educational vision. It aims to contribute to science, art, environment and society with its modern campus design, strong infrastructure and aim to meet regional needs.

Hasan Kalyoncu University Department of Architecture has taken its final form by keeping up with the developing technology and innovations and being developed with regulations in line with current and international architectural education expectations. As the number of our students increases every year, our faculty staff has also enriched significantly; Programs that enable horizontal and vertical transfers and double major programs for students have begun to be implemented. In addition, within the framework of international student mobility, our students benefit from programs such as EU Erasmus.

The mission of Hasan Kalyoncu University Department of Architecture is to educate contemporary architects and designers who are sensitive to the natural and historical environment, question the relationships between the physical environment and design, adhere to ethical values in the education process and professional working lives, and internalize the ability to conduct interdisciplinary research.

We wish success to all our students on their path to becoming architects with high social awareness, environmental awareness, ethical and responsibility.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tülay KARADAYI YENİCE
Head of Architecture Department